- Mathematical Statistics 2013.09.30
- Exponential family 2013.07.16
- Gibbs sampling 2013.07.02
- Probability and Distribution 2013.07.01
- Bayesian Statistics; 베이지안 통계학 2013.06.28
- Importance sampling 2013.06.21
- Metropolis-Hastings algorithm 2013.06.20
- Rejection sampling 2013.06.19
- Inverse transform sampling 2013.06.19
- Detailed Balance 2013.06.19
- 통계학의 오늘 2013.05.25
- Kullback–Leibler divergence and Cross entropy 2013.05.20
- SimRank 2013.05.19
- Probabilty and Bottleneck 2013.05.16
- Convex hull, Convex set, Convex combination, and Simplex 2013.05.15
- Discriminative vs. Generative model 2013.05.14
- Helmholtz free energy 2013.05.11
- Boltzmann Machine 2013.05.11
- Heuristic, 휴리스틱 2013.05.11
- Simulated Annealing, 담금질 기법 2013.05.11
- The Wisdom of the Few: A Collaborative Filtering Approach Based on Expert Opinions from the Web '09 2013.05.06
- Towards Trustworthy Recommender Systems: An Analysis of Attack Models and Algorithm Robustness '07 2013.05.06
- SCENE: A Scalable Two-Stage Personalized News Recommendation System '11 2013.05.06
- Scholarly Paper Recommendation via User’s Recent Research Interests '10 2013.05.06
- Context-aware Citation Recommendation '10 2013.05.06
- Opinion Mining 2013.05.01
- Definition, Axiom, Theorem, Corollary, and Lemma 2013.04.28
- Evaluating Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems '04 2013.04.21
- A Matrix Factorization Technique with Trust Propagation for Recommendation in Social Networks '10 2013.04.21
- Trust-aware Recommender Systems '07 2013.04.21