- The Wisdom of the Few: A Collaborative Filtering Approach Based on Expert Opinions from the Web '09 2013.05.06
- Towards Trustworthy Recommender Systems: An Analysis of Attack Models and Algorithm Robustness '07 2013.05.06
- SCENE: A Scalable Two-Stage Personalized News Recommendation System '11 2013.05.06
- Scholarly Paper Recommendation via User’s Recent Research Interests '10 2013.05.06
- Context-aware Citation Recommendation '10 2013.05.06
- Evaluating Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems '04 2013.04.21
- A Matrix Factorization Technique with Trust Propagation for Recommendation in Social Networks '10 2013.04.21
- Trust-aware Recommender Systems '07 2013.04.21
- TrustWalker: A Random Walk Model for Combining Trust-based and Item-based Recommendation '09 2013.04.20
- Item-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithms '01 2013.04.20
- Recommendation via Query Centered Random Walk on K-Partite Graph '07 2013.04.20
- Grocery Shopping Recommendations Based on Basket-Sensitive Random Walk '09 2013.04.20
- One-Class Collaborative Filtering '08 2013.04.20
- Performance of Recommender Algorithms on Top-N Recommendation Tasks '10 2013.04.01
- Efficiently Supporting Ad Hoc Queries in Large Datasets of Time Sequences '97 2013.04.01
- Google News Personalization: Scalable Online Collaborative Filtering '07 2013.04.01
- A Gentle Tutorial of the EM Algorithm and its Application to Parameter Estimation for Gaussian Mixture and Hidden Markov Models '98 2013.03.22
- The Expectation Maximization Algorithm '02 2013.03.09
- Toward the Next Generation of Recommender Systems: A Survey of the State-of-the-Art and Possible Extensions '05 2013.03.06
- Toward Alternative Measures for Ranking Venues: A Case of Database Research Community ’07 2013.02.22
- The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web '98 2013.02.01