Assume that we want to estimate an unobserved population parameter θ on the basis of observations x. Let  f be the sampling distribution of x, so that f(x|θ) is the probability of x when the underlying population parameter is θ. Then the function:

is known as the likelihood function and the estimate:

is the maximum likelihood estimate of θ.

Now assume that a prior distribution g over θ exists. This allows us to treat θ as a random variable as in Bayesian statistics. Then the posterior distribution of θ is as follows:

where g is density function of θ, Θ is the domain of g. This is a straightforward application of Bayes' theorem. The method of maximum a posterior estimation then estimates θ as the mode of the posterior distribution of this random variable:

The denominator of the posterior distribution (so-called partition function) does not depend on θ and therefore plays no role in the optimization.


MAP estimates can be computed in several ways:

  1. Analytically, when the mode(s) of the posterior distribution can be given in closed form. This is the case when conjugate priors are used.
  2. Via numerical optimization such as the conjugate gradient method or Newton's method. This usually requires first or second derivatives, which have to be evaluated analytically or numerically.
  3. Via a modification of an EM algorithm. This does not require derivatives of the posterior density.
  4. Via a Monte Carlo method using simulated annealing
