Process and Thread Structures on 32-bit Machine


Contains process information.

typedef void(*PPEBLOCKROUTINE)(PVOID PebLock);

typedef struct _PEB_FREE_BLOCK {
	ULONG			Size;

typedef struct _PEB {										// sizeof(PEB) = 0x1D4 bytes
	BOOLEAN			InheritedAddressSpace;					// 0x00
	BOOLEAN			ReadImageFileExecOptions;				// 0x01
	BOOLEAN			BeingDebugged;							// 0x02
	BOOLEAN			BitField;								// 0x03
	PVOID			Mutant;									// 0x04
	PVOID			ImageBaseAddress;						// 0x08
	PPEB_LDR_DATA	Ldr;									// 0x0C
	PRTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS	ProcessParameters;		// 0x10
	PVOID			SubSystemData;							// 0x14
	PVOID			ProcessHeap;							// 0x18
	PVOID			FastPebLock;							// 0x1C
	PPEBLOCKROUTINE	FastPebLockRoutine;						// 0x20
	PPEBLOCKROUTINE	FastPebUnlockRoutine;					// 0x24
	ULONG			EnvironmentUpdateCount;					// 0x28
	PVOID			*KernelCallbackTable;					// 0x2C
	PVOID			EventLogSection;						// 0x30
	PVOID			EventLog;								// 0x34
	PPEB_FREE_BLOCK	FreeList;								// 0x38
	ULONG			TlsExpansionCounter;					// 0x3C
	PVOID			TlsBitmap;								// 0x40
	ULONG			TlsBitmapBits[2];						// 0x44
	PVOID			ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase;				// 0x4C
	PVOID			ReadOnlySharedMemoryHeap;				// 0x50
	PVOID			*ReadOnlyStaticServerData;				// 0x54
	PVOID			AnsiCodePageData;						// 0x58
	PVOID			OemCodePageData;						// 0x5C
	PVOID			UnicodeCaseTableData;					// 0x60
	ULONG			NumberOfProcessors;						// 0x64
	ULONG			NtGlobalFlag;							// 0x68
	BYTE			Spare2[4];								// 0x6C
	LARGE_INTEGER	CriticalSectionTimeout;					// 0x70
	ULONG			HeapSegmentReserve;						// 0x78
	ULONG			HeapSegmentCommit;						// 0x7C
	ULONG			HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold;			// 0x80
	ULONG			HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold;			// 0x84
	ULONG			NumberOfHeaps;							// 0x88
	ULONG			MaximumNumberOfHeaps;					// 0x8C
	PVOID			**ProcessHeaps;							// 0x90
	PVOID			GdiSharedHandleTable;					// 0x94
	PVOID			ProcessStarterHelper;					// 0x98
	PVOID			GdiDCAttributeList;						// 0x9C
	PVOID			LoaderLock;								// 0xA0
	ULONG			OSMajorVersion;							// 0xA4
	ULONG			OSMinorVersion;							// 0xA8
	ULONG			OSBuildNumber;							// 0xAC
	ULONG			OSPlatformId;							// 0xB0
	ULONG			ImageSubSystem;							// 0xB4
	ULONG			ImageSubSystemMajorVersion;				// 0xB8
	ULONG			ImageSubSystemMinorVersion;				// 0xBC
	ULONG			GdiHandleBuffer[34];					// 0xC0
	PPS_POST_PROCESS_INIT_ROUTINE	PostProcessInitRoutine;	// 0x148
	ULONG			TlsExpansionBitmap;						// 0x14C
	BYTE			TlsExpansionBitmapBits[128];			// 0x150
	ULONG			SessionId;								// 0x1D0
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void main() {
	// Get PEB of current process
#ifdef _WIN64
	UINT64 uiPeb = __readgsqword(0x60);
	UINT32 uiPeb = __readfsdword(0x30);
	PPEB pPeb = PPEB(uiPeb);
	printf("Base address of PEB: %p\n", pPeb);
	printf("ImageBaseAddress: %p\n", pPeb->ImageBaseAddress);


Contains information about the loaded modules for the process.

typedef struct _LIST_ENTRY {
	struct _LIST_ENTRY *Flink;
	struct _LIST_ENTRY *Blink;

typedef struct _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY {				// sizeof(LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY) = 0x48 bytes
	LIST_ENTRY	InLoadOrderLinks;					// 0x00
	LIST_ENTRY	InMemoryOrderModuleList;			// 0x08
	LIST_ENTRY	InInitializationOrderModuleList;	// 0x10
	PVOID		DllBase;							// 0x18
	PVOID		EntryPoint;							// 0x1C
	ULONG		SizeOfImage;						// 0x20
	UNICODE_STRING	FullDllName;					// 0x24
	UNICODE_STRING	BaseDllName;					// 0x2C
	ULONG		Flags;								// 0x34
	SHORT		LoadCount;							// 0x38
	SHORT		TlsIndex;							// 0x3A
	LIST_ENTRY	HashTableEntry;						// 0x3C
	ULONG		TimeDateStamp;						// 0x44

typedef struct _PEB_LDR_DATA {						// sizeof(PEB_LDR_DATA) = 0x28 bytes
	DWORD		Length;								// 0x00
	BOOLEAN		Initialized;						// 0x04
	LPVOID		SsHandle;							// 0x08
	LIST_ENTRY	InLoadOrderModuleList;				// 0x0C
	LIST_ENTRY	InMemoryOrderModuleList;			// 0x14
	LIST_ENTRY	InInitializationOrderModuleList;	// 0x1C
	LPVOID		EntryInProgress;					// 0x24


The head of a doubly-linked list that contains the loaded modules for the process.

Each item in the list is a pointer to an LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY structure.
