#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
#include <mscoree.h>

// In case the machine this is compiled on does not have the most recent platform SDK
// with these values defined, define them here
#define SM_TABLETPC     86

#define SM_MEDIACENTER  87

#define CountOf(x) sizeof(x)/sizeof(*x)

// Constants that represent registry key names and value names
// to use for detection
const TCHAR *g_szNetfx10RegKeyName = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\.NETFramework\\Policy\\v1.0");
const TCHAR *g_szNetfx10RegKeyValue = _T("3705");
const TCHAR *g_szNetfx10SPxMSIRegKeyName = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\Active Setup\\Installed Components\\{78705f0d-e8db-4b2d-8193-982bdda15ecd}");
const TCHAR *g_szNetfx10SPxOCMRegKeyName = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\Active Setup\\Installed Components\\{FDC11A6F-17D1-48f9-9EA3-9051954BAA24}");
const TCHAR *g_szNetfx11RegKeyName = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v1.1.4322");
const TCHAR *g_szNetfx20RegKeyName = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v2.0.50727");
const TCHAR *g_szNetfx30RegKeyName = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v3.0\\Setup");
const TCHAR *g_szNetfx30SpRegKeyName = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v3.0");
const TCHAR *g_szNetfx30RegValueName = _T("InstallSuccess");
const TCHAR *g_szNetfx35RegKeyName = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v3.5");
const TCHAR *g_szNetfx40ClientRegKeyName = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v4\\Client");
const TCHAR *g_szNetfx40FullRegKeyName = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v4\\Full");
const TCHAR *g_szNetfx40SPxRegValueName = _T("Servicing");
const TCHAR *g_szNetfx45RegKeyName = _T("Software\\Microsoft\\NET Framework Setup\\NDP\\v4\\Full");
const TCHAR *g_szNetfx45RegValueName = _T("Release");
const TCHAR *g_szNetfxStandardRegValueName = _T("Install");
const TCHAR *g_szNetfxStandardSPxRegValueName = _T("SP");
const TCHAR *g_szNetfxStandardVersionRegValueName = _T("Version");

// Version information for final release of .NET Framework 3.0
const int g_iNetfx30VersionMajor = 3;
const int g_iNetfx30VersionMinor = 0;
const int g_iNetfx30VersionBuild = 4506;
const int g_iNetfx30VersionRevision = 26;

// Version information for final release of .NET Framework 3.5
const int g_iNetfx35VersionMajor = 3;
const int g_iNetfx35VersionMinor = 5;
const int g_iNetfx35VersionBuild = 21022;
const int g_iNetfx35VersionRevision = 8;

// Version information for final release of .NET Framework 4
const int g_iNetfx40VersionMajor = 4;
const int g_iNetfx40VersionMinor = 0;
const int g_iNetfx40VersionBuild = 30319;
const int g_iNetfx40VersionRevision = 0;

// Version information for final release of .NET Framework 4.5
const int g_dwNetfx45ReleaseVersion = 378389;

// Version information for final release of .NET Framework 4.5.1
const int g_dwNetfx451ReleaseVersion = 378675;

// Version information for final release of .NET Framework 4.5.2
const int g_dwNetfx452ReleaseVersion = 379893;

// Version information for final release of .NET Framework 4.6
const int g_dwNetfx46ReleaseVersion = 393295;

// Version information for final release of .NET Framework 4.6.1
const int g_dwNetfx461ReleaseVersion = 394254;

// Version information for final release of .NET Framework 4.6.2
const int g_dwNetfx462ReleaseVersion = 394802;

// Version information for final release of .NET Framework 4.7
const int g_dwNetfx47ReleaseVersion = 460798;

// Constants for known .NET Framework versions used with the GetRequestedRuntimeInfo API
const TCHAR *g_szNetfx10VersionString = _T("v1.0.3705");
const TCHAR *g_szNetfx11VersionString = _T("v1.1.4322");
const TCHAR *g_szNetfx20VersionString = _T("v2.0.50727");
const TCHAR *g_szNetfx40VersionString = _T("v4.0.30319");

// Function prototypes
bool CheckNetfxBuildNumber(const TCHAR*, const TCHAR*, const int, const int, const int, const int);
bool CheckNetfxVersionUsingMscoree(const TCHAR*);
int GetNetfx10SPLevel();
int GetNetfxSPLevel(const TCHAR*, const TCHAR*);
DWORD GetProcessorArchitectureFlag();
bool IsCurrentOSTabletMedCenter();
bool IsNetfx10Installed();
bool IsNetfx11Installed();
bool IsNetfx20Installed();
bool IsNetfx30Installed();
bool IsNetfx35Installed();
bool IsNetfx40ClientInstalled();
bool IsNetfx40FullInstalled();
bool IsNetfx45Installed();
bool IsNetfx451Installed();
bool IsNetfx452Installed();
bool IsNetfx46Installed();
bool IsNetfx461Installed();
bool IsNetfx462Installed();
bool IsNetfx47Installed();
bool RegistryGetValue(HKEY, const TCHAR*, const TCHAR*, DWORD, LPBYTE, DWORD);

Function Name:  CheckNetfxVersionUsingMscoree
Description:    Uses the logic described in the sample code at
				to load mscoree.dll and call its APIs to determine
				whether or not a specific version of the .NET
				Framework is installed on the system
Inputs:         pszNetfxVersionToCheck - version to look for
Results:        true if the requested version is installed
				false otherwise
bool CheckNetfxVersionUsingMscoree(const TCHAR *pszNetfxVersionToCheck) {
	bool bFoundRequestedNetfxVersion = false;

	// Check input parameter
	if (NULL == pszNetfxVersionToCheck)
		return false;

	HMODULE hmodMscoree = LoadLibraryEx(_T("mscoree.dll"), NULL, 0);
	if (NULL != hmodMscoree) {

		// Some OSs shipped with a placeholder copy of mscoree.dll. The existence of mscoree.dll
		// therefore does NOT mean that a version of the .NET Framework is installed.
		// If this copy of mscoree.dll does not have an exported function named GetCORVersion
		// then we know it is a placeholder DLL.
			goto Finish;


		typedef HRESULT(STDAPICALLTYPE *GETREQUESTEDRUNTIMEINFO)(LPCWSTR pExe, LPCWSTR pwszVersion, LPCWSTR pConfigurationFile, DWORD startupFlags, DWORD runtimeInfoFlags, LPWSTR pDirectory, DWORD dwDirectory, DWORD *dwDirectoryLength, LPWSTR pVersion, DWORD cchBuffer, DWORD* dwlength);

			TCHAR szRetrievedVersion[50];
			DWORD dwLength = CountOf(szRetrievedVersion);

				// Having CorBindToRuntimeHost but not having GetRequestedRuntimeInfo means that
				// this machine contains no higher than .NET Framework 1.0, but the only way to
				// 100% guarantee that the .NET Framework 1.0 is installed is to call a function
				// to exercise its functionality
				if (0 == _tcscmp(pszNetfxVersionToCheck, g_szNetfx10VersionString)) {
					hr = pfnGETCORVERSION(szRetrievedVersion, dwLength, &dwLength);

					if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
						if (0 == _tcscmp(szRetrievedVersion, g_szNetfx10VersionString))
							bFoundRequestedNetfxVersion = true;

					goto Finish;

			// Set error mode to prevent the .NET Framework from displaying
			// unfriendly error dialogs

			TCHAR szDirectory[MAX_PATH];
			DWORD dwDirectoryLength = 0;
			DWORD dwRuntimeInfoFlags = RUNTIME_INFO_DONT_RETURN_DIRECTORY | GetProcessorArchitectureFlag();

			// Check for the requested .NET Framework version
			hr = pfnGETREQUESTEDRUNTIMEINFO(NULL, pszNetfxVersionToCheck, NULL, STARTUP_LOADER_OPTIMIZATION_MULTI_DOMAIN_HOST, NULL, szDirectory, CountOf(szDirectory), &dwDirectoryLength, szRetrievedVersion, CountOf(szRetrievedVersion), &dwLength);

			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				bFoundRequestedNetfxVersion = true;

			// Restore the previous error mode

	if (hmodMscoree) {

	return bFoundRequestedNetfxVersion;

Function Name:  GetNetfx10SPLevel
Description:    Uses the detection method recommended at
				to determine what service pack for the
				.NET Framework 1.0 is installed on the machine
Inputs:         NONE
Results:        integer representing SP level for .NET Framework 1.0
int GetNetfx10SPLevel() {
	TCHAR szRegValue[MAX_PATH];
	TCHAR *pszSPLevel = NULL;
	int iRetValue = -1;
	bool bRegistryRetVal = false;

	// Need to detect what OS we are running on so we know what
	// registry key to use to look up the SP level
	if (IsCurrentOSTabletMedCenter())
		bRegistryRetVal = RegistryGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szNetfx10SPxOCMRegKeyName, g_szNetfxStandardVersionRegValueName, NULL, (LPBYTE)szRegValue, MAX_PATH);
		bRegistryRetVal = RegistryGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szNetfx10SPxMSIRegKeyName, g_szNetfxStandardVersionRegValueName, NULL, (LPBYTE)szRegValue, MAX_PATH);

	if (bRegistryRetVal) {
		// This registry value should be of the format
		// #,#,#####,# where the last # is the SP level
		// Try to parse off the last # here
		pszSPLevel = _tcsrchr(szRegValue, _T(','));
		if (NULL != pszSPLevel) {
			// Increment the pointer to skip the comma

			// Convert the remaining value to an integer
			iRetValue = _tstoi(pszSPLevel);

	return iRetValue;

Function Name:  GetNetfxSPLevel
Description:    Determine what service pack is installed for a
                version of the .NET Framework using registry
				based detection methods documented in the
				.NET Framework deployment guides.
Inputs:         pszNetfxRegKeyName - registry key name to use for detection
				pszNetfxRegValueName - registry value to use for detection
Results:        integer representing SP level for .NET Framework
int GetNetfxSPLevel(const TCHAR *pszNetfxRegKeyName, const TCHAR *pszNetfxRegValueName) {
	DWORD dwRegValue = 0;

	if (RegistryGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszNetfxRegKeyName, pszNetfxRegValueName, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwRegValue, sizeof(DWORD))) {
		return (int)dwRegValue;

	// We can only get here if the .NET Framework is not
	// installed or there was some kind of error retrieving
	// the data from the registry
	return -1;

Function Name:  GetProcessorArchitectureFlag
Description:    Determine the processor architecture of the
                system (x86, x64, ia64)
Inputs:         NONE
Results:        DWORD processor architecture flag
DWORD GetProcessorArchitectureFlag() {
	HMODULE hmodKernel32 = NULL;
	typedef void (WINAPI *PFnGetNativeSystemInfo) (LPSYSTEM_INFO);
	PFnGetNativeSystemInfo pfnGetNativeSystemInfo;

	SYSTEM_INFO sSystemInfo;
	memset(&sSystemInfo, 0, sizeof(sSystemInfo));

	bool bRetrievedSystemInfo = false;

	// Attempt to load kernel32.dll
	hmodKernel32 = LoadLibrary(_T("Kernel32.dll"));
	if (NULL != hmodKernel32) {
		// If the DLL loaded correctly, get the proc address for GetNativeSystemInfo
		pfnGetNativeSystemInfo = (PFnGetNativeSystemInfo)GetProcAddress(hmodKernel32, "GetNativeSystemInfo");
		if (NULL != pfnGetNativeSystemInfo) {
			// Call GetNativeSystemInfo if it exists
			bRetrievedSystemInfo = true;

	if (!bRetrievedSystemInfo) {
		// Fallback to calling GetSystemInfo if the above failed
		bRetrievedSystemInfo = true;

	if (bRetrievedSystemInfo) {
		switch (sSystemInfo.wProcessorArchitecture) {
			return 0;

	return 0;

Function Name:  CheckNetfxBuildNumber
Description:    Retrieves the .NET Framework build number from
                the registry and validates that it is not a pre-release
				version number
Inputs:         NONE
Results:        true if the build number in the registry is greater
				than or equal to the passed in version; false otherwise
bool CheckNetfxBuildNumber(const TCHAR *pszNetfxRegKeyName, const TCHAR *pszNetfxRegKeyValue, const int iRequestedVersionMajor, const int iRequestedVersionMinor, const int iRequestedVersionBuild, const int iRequestedVersionRevision) {
	TCHAR szRegValue[MAX_PATH];
	TCHAR *pszToken = NULL;
	TCHAR *pszNextToken = NULL;
	int iVersionPartCounter = 0;
	int iRegistryVersionMajor = 0;
	int iRegistryVersionMinor = 0;
	int iRegistryVersionBuild = 0;
	int iRegistryVersionRevision = 0;
	bool bRegistryRetVal = false;

	// Attempt to retrieve the build number registry value
	bRegistryRetVal = RegistryGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, pszNetfxRegKeyName, pszNetfxRegKeyValue, NULL, (LPBYTE)szRegValue, MAX_PATH);

	if (bRegistryRetVal) {
		// This registry value should be of the format
		// #.#.#####.##.  Try to parse the 4 parts of
		// the version here
		pszToken = _tcstok_s(szRegValue, _T("."), &pszNextToken);
		while (NULL != pszToken) {

			switch (iVersionPartCounter) {
			case 1:
				// Convert the major version value to an integer
				iRegistryVersionMajor = _tstoi(pszToken);
			case 2:
				// Convert the minor version value to an integer
				iRegistryVersionMinor = _tstoi(pszToken);
			case 3:
				// Convert the build number value to an integer
				iRegistryVersionBuild = _tstoi(pszToken);
			case 4:
				// Convert the revision number value to an integer
				iRegistryVersionRevision = _tstoi(pszToken);


			// Get the next part of the version number
			pszToken = _tcstok_s(NULL, _T("."), &pszNextToken);

	// Compare the version number retrieved from the registry with
	// the version number of the final release of the .NET Framework
	// that we are checking
	if (iRegistryVersionMajor > iRequestedVersionMajor) {
		return true;
	} else if (iRegistryVersionMajor == iRequestedVersionMajor) {
		if (iRegistryVersionMinor > iRequestedVersionMinor) {
			return true;
		} else if (iRegistryVersionMinor == iRequestedVersionMinor) {
			if (iRegistryVersionBuild > iRequestedVersionBuild) {
				return true;
			} else if (iRegistryVersionBuild == iRequestedVersionBuild) {
				if (iRegistryVersionRevision >= iRequestedVersionRevision) {
					return true;

	// If we get here, the version in the registry must be less than the
	// version of the final release of the .NET Framework we are checking,
	// so return false
	return false;

Function Name:  IsCurrentOSTabletMedCenter
Description:    Determine if the current OS is a Windows XP
                Tablet PC Edition or Windows XP Media Center
				Edition system
Inputs:         NONE
Results:        true if the OS is Tablet PC or Media Center
				false otherwise
bool IsCurrentOSTabletMedCenter() {
	// Use GetSystemMetrics to detect if we are on a Tablet PC or Media Center OS  
	return ((GetSystemMetrics(SM_TABLETPC) != 0) || (GetSystemMetrics(SM_MEDIACENTER) != 0));

Function Name:  IsNetfx10Installed
Description:    Uses the detection method recommended at
				to determine whether the .NET Framework 1.0 is
				installed on the machine
Inputs:         NONE
Results:        true if the .NET Framework 1.0 is installed
				false otherwise
bool IsNetfx10Installed() {
	TCHAR szRegValue[MAX_PATH];
	return (RegistryGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szNetfx10RegKeyName, g_szNetfx10RegKeyValue, NULL, (LPBYTE)szRegValue, MAX_PATH));

Function Name:  IsNetfx11Installed
Description:    Uses the detection method recommended at
				to determine whether the .NET Framework 1.1 is
				installed on the machine
Inputs:         NONE
Results:        true if the .NET Framework 1.1 is installed
				false otherwise
bool IsNetfx11Installed() {
	bool bRetValue = false;
	DWORD dwRegValue = 0;

	if (RegistryGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szNetfx11RegKeyName, g_szNetfxStandardRegValueName, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwRegValue, sizeof(DWORD))) {
		if (1 == dwRegValue)
			bRetValue = true;

	return bRetValue;

Function Name:  IsNetfx20Installed
Description:    Uses the detection method recommended at
				to determine whether the .NET Framework 2.0 is
				installed on the machine
Inputs:         NONE
Results:        true if the .NET Framework 2.0 is installed
				false otherwise
bool IsNetfx20Installed() {
	bool bRetValue = false;
	DWORD dwRegValue = 0;

	if (RegistryGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szNetfx20RegKeyName, g_szNetfxStandardRegValueName, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwRegValue, sizeof(DWORD))) {
		if (1 == dwRegValue)
			bRetValue = true;

	return bRetValue;

Function Name:  IsNetfx30Installed
Description:    Uses the detection method recommended at
				to determine whether the .NET Framework 3.0 is
				installed on the machine
Inputs:         NONE
Results:        true if the .NET Framework 3.0 is installed
				false otherwise
bool IsNetfx30Installed() {
	bool bRetValue = false;
	DWORD dwRegValue = 0;

	// Check that the InstallSuccess registry value exists and equals 1
	if (RegistryGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szNetfx30RegKeyName, g_szNetfx30RegValueName, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwRegValue, sizeof(DWORD))) {
		if (1 == dwRegValue)
			bRetValue = true;

	// A system with a pre-release version of the .NET Framework 3.0 can
	// have the InstallSuccess value.  As an added verification, check the
	// version number listed in the registry
	return (bRetValue && CheckNetfxBuildNumber(g_szNetfx30RegKeyName, g_szNetfxStandardVersionRegValueName, g_iNetfx30VersionMajor, g_iNetfx30VersionMinor, g_iNetfx30VersionBuild, g_iNetfx30VersionRevision));

Function Name:  IsNetfx35Installed
Description:    Uses the detection method recommended at
				to determine whether the .NET Framework 3.5 is
				installed on the machine
Inputs:         NONE
Results:        true if the .NET Framework 3.5 is installed
				false otherwise
bool IsNetfx35Installed() {
	bool bRetValue = false;
	DWORD dwRegValue = 0;

	// Check that the Install registry value exists and equals 1
	if (RegistryGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szNetfx35RegKeyName, g_szNetfxStandardRegValueName, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwRegValue, sizeof(DWORD))) {
		if (1 == dwRegValue)
			bRetValue = true;

	// A system with a pre-release version of the .NET Framework 3.5 can
	// have the Install value.  As an added verification, check the
	// version number listed in the registry
	return (bRetValue && CheckNetfxBuildNumber(g_szNetfx35RegKeyName, g_szNetfxStandardVersionRegValueName, g_iNetfx35VersionMajor, g_iNetfx35VersionMinor, g_iNetfx35VersionBuild, g_iNetfx35VersionRevision));

Function Name:  IsNetfx40ClientInstalled
Description:    Uses the detection method recommended at
				to determine whether the .NET Framework 4 Client is
				installed on the machine
Inputs:         NONE
Results:        true if the .NET Framework 4 Client is installed
				false otherwise
bool IsNetfx40ClientInstalled() {
	bool bRetValue = false;
	DWORD dwRegValue = 0;

	if (RegistryGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szNetfx40ClientRegKeyName, g_szNetfxStandardRegValueName, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwRegValue, sizeof(DWORD))) {
		if (1 == dwRegValue)
			bRetValue = true;

	// A system with a pre-release version of the .NET Framework 4 can
	// have the Install value.  As an added verification, check the
	// version number listed in the registry
	return (bRetValue && CheckNetfxBuildNumber(g_szNetfx40ClientRegKeyName, g_szNetfxStandardVersionRegValueName, g_iNetfx40VersionMajor, g_iNetfx40VersionMinor, g_iNetfx40VersionBuild, g_iNetfx40VersionRevision));

Function Name:  IsNetfx40FullInstalled
Description:    Uses the detection method recommended at
				to determine whether the .NET Framework 4 Full is
				installed on the machine
Inputs:         NONE
Results:        true if the .NET Framework 4 Full is installed
				false otherwise
bool IsNetfx40FullInstalled() {
	bool bRetValue = false;
	DWORD dwRegValue = 0;

	if (RegistryGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szNetfx40FullRegKeyName, g_szNetfxStandardRegValueName, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwRegValue, sizeof(DWORD))) {
		if (1 == dwRegValue)
			bRetValue = true;

	// A system with a pre-release version of the .NET Framework 4 can
	// have the Install value.  As an added verification, check the
	// version number listed in the registry
	return (bRetValue && CheckNetfxBuildNumber(g_szNetfx40FullRegKeyName, g_szNetfxStandardVersionRegValueName, g_iNetfx40VersionMajor, g_iNetfx40VersionMinor, g_iNetfx40VersionBuild, g_iNetfx40VersionRevision));

Function Name:  IsNetfx45Installed
Description:    Uses the detection method recommended at
				to determine whether the .NET Framework 4.5 is
				installed on the machine
Inputs:         NONE
Results:        true if the .NET Framework 4.5 is installed
				false otherwise
bool IsNetfx45Installed() {
	bool bRetValue = false;
	DWORD dwRegValue = 0;

	if (RegistryGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szNetfx45RegKeyName, g_szNetfx45RegValueName, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwRegValue, sizeof(DWORD))) {
		if (g_dwNetfx45ReleaseVersion <= dwRegValue)
			bRetValue = true;

	return bRetValue;

Function Name:  IsNetfx451Installed
Description:    Uses the detection method recommended at
				to determine whether the .NET Framework 4.5.1 is
				installed on the machine
Inputs:         NONE
Results:        true if the .NET Framework 4.5.1 is installed
				false otherwise
bool IsNetfx451Installed() {
	bool bRetValue = false;
	DWORD dwRegValue = 0;

	if (RegistryGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szNetfx45RegKeyName, g_szNetfx45RegValueName, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwRegValue, sizeof(DWORD))) {
		if (g_dwNetfx451ReleaseVersion <= dwRegValue)
			bRetValue = true;

	return bRetValue;

Function Name:  IsNetfx452Installed
Description:    Uses the detection method recommended at
				to determine whether the .NET Framework 4.5.2 is
				installed on the machine
Inputs:         NONE
Results:        true if the .NET Framework 4.5.2 is installed
				false otherwise
bool IsNetfx452Installed() {
	bool bRetValue = false;
	DWORD dwRegValue = 0;

	if (RegistryGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szNetfx45RegKeyName, g_szNetfx45RegValueName, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwRegValue, sizeof(DWORD))) {
		if (g_dwNetfx452ReleaseVersion <= dwRegValue)
			bRetValue = true;

	return bRetValue;

Function Name:  IsNetfx46Installed
Description:    Uses the detection method recommended at
				to determine whether the .NET Framework 4.6 is
				installed on the machine
Inputs:         NONE
Results:        true if the .NET Framework 4.6 is installed
				false otherwise
bool IsNetfx46Installed() {
	bool bRetValue = false;
	DWORD dwRegValue = 0;

	if (RegistryGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szNetfx45RegKeyName, g_szNetfx45RegValueName, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwRegValue, sizeof(DWORD))) {
		if (g_dwNetfx46ReleaseVersion <= dwRegValue)
			bRetValue = true;

	return bRetValue;

Function Name:  IsNetfx461Installed
Description:    Uses the detection method recommended at
				to determine whether the .NET Framework 4.6.1 is
				installed on the machine
Inputs:         NONE
Results:        true if the .NET Framework 4.6.1 is installed
				false otherwise
bool IsNetfx461Installed() {
	bool bRetValue = false;
	DWORD dwRegValue = 0;

	if (RegistryGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szNetfx45RegKeyName, g_szNetfx45RegValueName, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwRegValue, sizeof(DWORD))) {
		if (g_dwNetfx461ReleaseVersion <= dwRegValue)
			bRetValue = true;

	return bRetValue;

Function Name:  IsNetfx462Installed
Description:    Uses the detection method recommended at
				to determine whether the .NET Framework 4.6.2 is
				installed on the machine
Inputs:         NONE
Results:        true if the .NET Framework 4.6.2 is installed
				false otherwise
bool IsNetfx462Installed() {
	bool bRetValue = false;
	DWORD dwRegValue = 0;

	if (RegistryGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szNetfx45RegKeyName, g_szNetfx45RegValueName, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwRegValue, sizeof(DWORD))) {
		if (g_dwNetfx462ReleaseVersion <= dwRegValue)
			bRetValue = true;

	return bRetValue;

Function Name:  IsNetfx47Installed
Description:    Uses the detection method recommended at
				to determine whether the .NET Framework 4.7 is
				installed on the machine
Inputs:         NONE
Results:        true if the .NET Framework 4.7 is installed
				false otherwise
bool IsNetfx47Installed() {
	bool bRetValue = false;
	DWORD dwRegValue = 0;

	if (RegistryGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_szNetfx45RegKeyName, g_szNetfx45RegValueName, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dwRegValue, sizeof(DWORD))) {
		if (g_dwNetfx47ReleaseVersion <= dwRegValue)
			bRetValue = true;

	return bRetValue;

Function Name:  RegistryGetValue
Description:    Get the value of a reg key
Inputs:         HKEY hk - The hk of the key to retrieve
                TCHAR *pszKey - Name of the key to retrieve
				TCHAR *pszValue - The value that will be retrieved
				DWORD dwType - The type of the value that will be retrieved
				LPBYTE data - A buffer to save the retrieved data
				DWORD dwSize - The size of the data retrieved
Results:        true if successful, false otherwise
bool RegistryGetValue(HKEY hk, const TCHAR * pszKey, const TCHAR * pszValue, DWORD dwType, LPBYTE data, DWORD dwSize) {
	HKEY hkOpened;

	// Try to open the key
	if (RegOpenKeyEx(hk, pszKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkOpened) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
		return false;

	// If the key was opened, try to retrieve the value
	if (RegQueryValueEx(hkOpened, pszValue, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)data, &dwSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
		return false;

	// Clean up

	return true;

int APIENTRY _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
	HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
	LPTSTR    lpCmdLine,
	int       nCmdShow) {
	int iNetfx10SPLevel = -1;
	int iNetfx11SPLevel = -1;
	int iNetfx20SPLevel = -1;
	int iNetfx30SPLevel = -1;
	int iNetfx35SPLevel = -1;
	int iNetfx40ClientSPLevel = -1;
	int iNetfx40FullSPLevel = -1;
	int iNetfx45SPLevel = -1;
	int iNetfx451SPLevel = -1;
	int iNetfx452SPLevel = -1;
	int iNetfx46SPLevel = -1;
	int iNetfx461SPLevel = -1;
	int iNetfx462SPLevel = -1;
	int iNetfx47SPLevel = -1;
	TCHAR szMessage[MAX_PATH];
	TCHAR szOutputString[MAX_PATH * 20];

	// Determine whether or not the .NET Framework
	// 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2 or 4.7 are installed
	bool bNetfx10Installed = (IsNetfx10Installed() && CheckNetfxVersionUsingMscoree(g_szNetfx10VersionString));
	bool bNetfx11Installed = (IsNetfx11Installed() && CheckNetfxVersionUsingMscoree(g_szNetfx11VersionString));
	bool bNetfx20Installed = (IsNetfx20Installed() && CheckNetfxVersionUsingMscoree(g_szNetfx20VersionString));

	// The .NET Framework 3.0 is an add-in that installs
	// on top of the .NET Framework 2.0.  For this version
	// check, validate that both 2.0 and 3.0 are installed.
	bool bNetfx30Installed = (IsNetfx20Installed() && IsNetfx30Installed() && CheckNetfxVersionUsingMscoree(g_szNetfx20VersionString));

	// The .NET Framework 3.5 is an add-in that installs
	// on top of the .NET Framework 2.0 and 3.0.  For this version
	// check, validate that 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 are installed.
	bool bNetfx35Installed = (IsNetfx20Installed() && IsNetfx30Installed() && IsNetfx35Installed() && CheckNetfxVersionUsingMscoree(g_szNetfx20VersionString));

	bool bNetfx40ClientInstalled = (IsNetfx40ClientInstalled() && CheckNetfxVersionUsingMscoree(g_szNetfx40VersionString));
	bool bNetfx40FullInstalled = (IsNetfx40FullInstalled() && CheckNetfxVersionUsingMscoree(g_szNetfx40VersionString));

	// The .NET Framework 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2 and 4.7 are in-place replacements for the .NET Framework 4.
	// They use the same runtime version as the .NET Framework 4.
	bool bNetfx45Installed = (IsNetfx45Installed() && CheckNetfxVersionUsingMscoree(g_szNetfx40VersionString));
	bool bNetfx451Installed = (IsNetfx451Installed() && CheckNetfxVersionUsingMscoree(g_szNetfx40VersionString));
	bool bNetfx452Installed = (IsNetfx452Installed() && CheckNetfxVersionUsingMscoree(g_szNetfx40VersionString));
	bool bNetfx46Installed = (IsNetfx46Installed() && CheckNetfxVersionUsingMscoree(g_szNetfx40VersionString));
	bool bNetfx461Installed = (IsNetfx461Installed() && CheckNetfxVersionUsingMscoree(g_szNetfx40VersionString));
	bool bNetfx462Installed = (IsNetfx462Installed() && CheckNetfxVersionUsingMscoree(g_szNetfx40VersionString));
	bool bNetfx47Installed = (IsNetfx47Installed() && CheckNetfxVersionUsingMscoree(g_szNetfx40VersionString));

	// If .NET Framework 1.0 is installed, get the service pack level
	if (bNetfx10Installed) {
		iNetfx10SPLevel = GetNetfx10SPLevel();

		if (iNetfx10SPLevel > 0)
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T(".NET Framework 1.0 service pack %i is installed."), iNetfx10SPLevel);
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T(".NET Framework 1.0 is installed with no service packs."));

		_tcscpy_s(szOutputString, szMessage);
	} else {
		_tcscpy_s(szOutputString, _T(".NET Framework 1.0 is not installed."));

	// If .NET Framework 1.1 is installed, get the service pack level
	if (bNetfx11Installed) {
		iNetfx11SPLevel = GetNetfxSPLevel(g_szNetfx11RegKeyName, g_szNetfxStandardSPxRegValueName);

		if (iNetfx11SPLevel > 0)
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 1.1 service pack %i is installed."), iNetfx11SPLevel);
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 1.1 is installed with no service packs."));

		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, szMessage);
	} else {
		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 1.1 is not installed."));

	// If .NET Framework 2.0 is installed, get the service pack level
	if (bNetfx20Installed) {
		iNetfx20SPLevel = GetNetfxSPLevel(g_szNetfx20RegKeyName, g_szNetfxStandardSPxRegValueName);

		if (iNetfx20SPLevel > 0)
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 2.0 service pack %i is installed."), iNetfx20SPLevel);
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 2.0 is installed with no service packs."));

		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, szMessage);
	} else {
		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 2.0 is not installed."));

	// If .NET Framework 3.0 is installed, get the service pack level
	if (bNetfx30Installed) {
		iNetfx30SPLevel = GetNetfxSPLevel(g_szNetfx30SpRegKeyName, g_szNetfxStandardSPxRegValueName);

		if (iNetfx30SPLevel > 0)
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 3.0 service pack %i is installed."), iNetfx30SPLevel);
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 3.0 is installed with no service packs."));

		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, szMessage);
	} else {
		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 3.0 is not installed."));

	// If .NET Framework 3.5 is installed, get the service pack level
	if (bNetfx35Installed) {
		iNetfx35SPLevel = GetNetfxSPLevel(g_szNetfx35RegKeyName, g_szNetfxStandardSPxRegValueName);

		if (iNetfx35SPLevel > 0)
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 3.5 service pack %i is installed."), iNetfx35SPLevel);
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 3.5 is installed with no service packs."));

		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, szMessage);
	} else {
		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 3.5 is not installed."));

	// If .NET Framework 4 Client is installed, get the service pack level
	if (bNetfx40ClientInstalled) {
		iNetfx40ClientSPLevel = GetNetfxSPLevel(g_szNetfx40ClientRegKeyName, g_szNetfx40SPxRegValueName);

		if (iNetfx40ClientSPLevel > 0)
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4 client service pack %i is installed."), iNetfx40ClientSPLevel);
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4 client is installed with no service packs."));

		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, szMessage);
	} else {
		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4 client is not installed."));

	// If .NET Framework 4 Full is installed, get the service pack level
	if (bNetfx40FullInstalled) {
		iNetfx40FullSPLevel = GetNetfxSPLevel(g_szNetfx40FullRegKeyName, g_szNetfx40SPxRegValueName);

		if (iNetfx40FullSPLevel > 0)
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4 full service pack %i is installed."), iNetfx40FullSPLevel);
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4 full is installed with no service packs."));

		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, szMessage);
	} else {
		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4 full is not installed."));

	// If .NET Framework 4.5 is installed, get the service pack level
	if (bNetfx45Installed) {
		iNetfx45SPLevel = GetNetfxSPLevel(g_szNetfx45RegKeyName, g_szNetfx40SPxRegValueName);

		if (iNetfx45SPLevel > 0)
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4.5 service pack %i is installed."), iNetfx45SPLevel);
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4.5 is installed with no service packs."));

		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, szMessage);
	} else {
		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4.5 is not installed."));

	// If .NET Framework 4.5.1 is installed, get the service pack level
	if (bNetfx451Installed) {
		iNetfx451SPLevel = GetNetfxSPLevel(g_szNetfx45RegKeyName, g_szNetfx40SPxRegValueName);

		if (iNetfx451SPLevel > 0)
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4.5.1 service pack %i is installed."), iNetfx451SPLevel);
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4.5.1 is installed with no service packs."));

		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, szMessage);
	} else {
		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4.5.1 is not installed."));

	// If .NET Framework 4.5.2 is installed, get the service pack level
	if (bNetfx452Installed) {
		iNetfx452SPLevel = GetNetfxSPLevel(g_szNetfx45RegKeyName, g_szNetfx40SPxRegValueName);

		if (iNetfx452SPLevel > 0)
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4.5.2 service pack %i is installed."), iNetfx452SPLevel);
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4.5.2 is installed with no service packs."));

		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, szMessage);
	} else {
		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4.5.2 is not installed."));

	// If .NET Framework 4.6 is installed, get the service pack level
	if (bNetfx46Installed) {
		iNetfx46SPLevel = GetNetfxSPLevel(g_szNetfx45RegKeyName, g_szNetfx40SPxRegValueName);

		if (iNetfx46SPLevel > 0)
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4.6 service pack %i is installed."), iNetfx46SPLevel);
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4.6 is installed with no service packs."));

		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, szMessage);
	} else {
		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4.6 is not installed."));

	// If .NET Framework 4.6.1 is installed, get the service pack level
	if (bNetfx461Installed) {
		iNetfx461SPLevel = GetNetfxSPLevel(g_szNetfx45RegKeyName, g_szNetfx40SPxRegValueName);

		if (iNetfx461SPLevel > 0)
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4.6.1 service pack %i is installed."), iNetfx461SPLevel);
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4.6.1 is installed with no service packs."));

		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, szMessage);
	} else {
		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4.6.1 is not installed."));

	// If .NET Framework 4.6.2 is installed, get the service pack level
	if (bNetfx462Installed) {
		iNetfx462SPLevel = GetNetfxSPLevel(g_szNetfx45RegKeyName, g_szNetfx40SPxRegValueName);

		if (iNetfx462SPLevel > 0)
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4.6.2 service pack %i is installed."), iNetfx462SPLevel);
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4.6.2 is installed with no service packs."));

		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, szMessage);
	} else {
		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4.6.2 is not installed."));

	// If .NET Framework 4.7 is installed, get the service pack level
	if (bNetfx47Installed) {
		iNetfx47SPLevel = GetNetfxSPLevel(g_szNetfx45RegKeyName, g_szNetfx40SPxRegValueName);

		if (iNetfx47SPLevel > 0)
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4.7 service pack %i is installed."), iNetfx47SPLevel);
			_stprintf_s(szMessage, MAX_PATH, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4.7 is installed with no service packs."));

		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, szMessage);
	} else {
		_tcscat_s(szOutputString, _T("\n\n.NET Framework 4.7 is not installed."));

	MessageBox(NULL, szOutputString, _T(".NET Framework Install Info"), MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION);

	return 0;
